Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Painting Autumn!

       The leaves are beginning to turn. It's hard to believe another year has come and gone. The days are shorter. I can't help but go outside and gather some of nature's treasures. Beautiful leaves, acorns, seed pods. Even broken twigs are pretty. I made an arrangement for the front foyer. Nothing really fancy, just a symbol of the season. I mixed man made elements along
with the natural ones. 

Then I decided to paint one of the leaves. Just one. Simple. Next week, I think I'll gather more leaves and add them to my sketch book. But today, just this one.
I liked it.

It just seemed the tiny leaf would look prettier in a frame. It's wonderful how much a frame can add to a piece of art. And this one was perfect !

Take the time to go on at least one nature walk this week, by yourself or with your bestie.
Gather your own Autumn treasures and make something beautiful for your home.
I promise it will make you smile.

I'll see you next Wednesday!