Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Heavenly Hydrangeas!

Hydrangeas are just heavenly. They have a regal, Victorian look and there's such a softness about them. They appear as though they do nothing all day, but, believe me, hydrangeas work hard! When you consider that each hydrangea pom pom has dozens of tiny separate flowers within it, all trying to bloom at the same time...That's a lot of work!  

"Hydrangea" / Watercolor by Carole Poole

During the spring and summer, I spend a lot of time in our garden photographing and sketching the different flowers.  My husband is an amazing gardener and plans carefully so something is always blooming at Bent Grass Garden.

No wonder, I seek out these lovely flowers while perusing the garden for subject matter to paint.  We have nine healthy bushes, each loaded down with beauty!  Every flower has a lovely bobbing head with tiny precious details and luscious color.  

I have added hydrangeas to my sketchbook often, but this year, I decided to complete a full sized painting (11X14 inches).  Making a choice from among the various varieties we have planted was my only obstacle. My final choice was Endless Summer in such a yummy shade of lavender.   

One interesting fact about hydrangeas is that you can actually change the color of your flowers by adding certain nutrients to the soil. Just a quick reference is acid soil creates lavender or blue flowers and adding alkaline promotes pinks. There are many websites explaining how to do this. I've never tried it, but think it would be interesting to watch. However, we are sooooo happy with the colors of ours, no need to change them at all!  

Painting reference:  
After lightly sketching the flowers, I added the first layer of color and let it completely dry before adding the next layers.  (Above)

I continued glazing and adding layers of lavender and blue, plus I started the green leaves. (Left)

Once I began adding the dark background, the florets begin to take shape. Especially in the areas between the petals.   (Below)

I hope you'll take time to seek out some beautiful flowers to paint this summer. They only last a short time. So by preserving them using paint and paper, you can enjoy them for years to come. 
And, think about it, you can change the colors of your hydrangeas using paint much easier than changing the soil nutrients!  

Easy Peasy!

Enjoy my tiny video below of one of our hydrangea bushes in the garden. Love 'em. Love 'em, Love 'em!

Happy Painting!   Carole